Room Reservation Request

Room Reservation Request

Reserve the Lewis Alumni Centre for Your Special Occasion!

Please fill out the fields below and select "Save and Continue" to submit your request.

* indicates a required field

Please Note: Completing this form does not confirm your reservation! We will contact you to let you know if we have availability for the date you requested.

Contact Information

Date and Time
Open the calendar popup.

Please note, there's a $50 hourly fee outside of regular WSU business hours, Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm.

Room rates charged for time used, including set-up and break-down.

Discounts for consecutive multi-day events.
Event Details

Please see Room Rates & Fees for occupancy and pricing.

Please specify your technology and accessory needs below:

Use Ctrl or Shift keys to multi-select.
Please specify the number of tables and/or chairs required: